|Sportsgeist| 2018 Nebelhorn Trophy – Exhibition part 2


Finally, here comes part 2 of my exhibition review of Nebelhorn Trophy.


Mariah Bell

Cute Mariah Bell


Scimeca Knierim Knierim

The Knierims – as romantic as ever


Timothy Dolensky

Timothy Dolensky – this pose is representative for the excitement level of the whole program :p


Koch Nüchtern

Elegant Koch & Nüchtern


Mai Mihara

Old-fashioned and super cute Mai Mihara


Efimova Korovin

Efimova & Korovin’s Russian folk program was one of my personal highlights of the night. They are fabulous!


Keegan Messing

Keegan Messing brought the house down with his Blues Brothers program. Super cool! Even though he looks a whee bit like Stojko from behind. Who isn’t exactly my no. 1 fave skater. *cough cough*


Gilles Poirier

Gilles & Poirier – I adore them but this was a bit too artsy and monotonous for my taste.


Alina Zagitova

Alina Zagitova – THE highlight of the night. Very cool program to „Survivor“. And I’ll never forget how she popped the 3 lutz after the charlotte (her only mistake during the whole event) during the exhibition – only to nail it during the finale. You go, girl!


Alina Zagitova

Alina Zagitova during her exhibition


Alina Zagitova

One more pic of Alina Zagitova


Savchenko Massot

Savchenko & Massot – still not sure what to think about their super slow exhibition program


Savchenko Massot

Savchenko & Massot in slow motion


Bruno Massot Bear

Bruno, the bear and the bear


Finale_Harry Potter Hats_Bavarian Hats

She looks thrilled 😉


Mai Mihara

Mai Mihara and her Bavarian hat


Zagitova finale exhibition Nebelhorn Trophy

Zagitova sleeping and Poirier pulling her along 😀


The winner of the 2018 Nebelhorn Trophy

The winners of the 2018 Nebelhorn Trophy


I hope everyone enjoyed my review of 2018 Nebelhorn Trophy. I hope to be back next season!


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